How to Cite
Hernández Duarte, M. A. (2011). Jurisprudence of the colombian supreme court of justice, penal cassation chamber, on manslaughter (culpable homicide). Novum Jus, 5(1), 117–137. Retrieved from

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Jurisprudential line refers to the detailed study on a specific subject, regarded in several of the sentences uttered by the High Courts, whereby any juridical problem is approached and properly solved. As it was stated by Medina in his work Derecho de los Jueces, it can constitute a judicial precedent for the analysis of the same subject. This work is intended to state the juridical problem and the possible solutions proclaimed by the honorable Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia to vehicular manslaughter (U.S. Law) unintentionally caused for negligent driving under the influence of alcohol. Now then, this research points out crucial topics for the jurisprudential analysis like the initial or Archimedean sentence, the milestone sentences (those supporting this work), the considerations made by the Court and the concluding remarks that can be taken from that. As a result, it presents a final-generalized solution to the established juridical problem.



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