How to Cite
Prada Uribe, J. E. (2024). Some Reflections to Evaluate Accessibility in Latin American Models of Digital Government. Novum Jus, 18(2), 335–362.
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The institutionalization of digital governments initially depended on the political will of states and economic forecasts to have the necessary resources in communications, currently one of the pivotal elements at national and international levels, and improve the quality of services and functions. Now, it lies in the sphere of inclusion: the capacity for social penetration, trust building among users, governance incentives, and civil empowerment in virtual environments. This work acknowledges that although progress has been made in Latin American countries in the creation of a social, political, and legal framework for following the digital agenda, the computerization of processes, and the search for solutions from an intergovernmental perspective, there are still considerable doubts around the notion of accessibility, which demands the development of
instruments to measure the strengths and weaknesses of public policies, especially their application.



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