How to Cite
Morante, M. F., & Morante Mariani, J. M. (2022). Multiple accusations nd “Equality of arms” In the Argentine accusatory system. Novum Jus, 16(1), 51–66.
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One of the principles of the Accusatory System, which governs many of the Argentine provinces, the Chaco being one of the first to implement it, is equality of arms. The problem is that this is not effective in practice, since both the prosecutor and potential plaintiffs can accuse the accused. In the present work, it is proposed that, for there to be equality of arms, a legislative reform is necessary that admits that, in cases of multiple accusations, only the plaintiff goes to the trial stage. In this way, the action would continue between the complainant and the accused, leaving the representative of the Public Prosecutor's Office as the guarantor of legality.



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