How to Cite
Pardo Martínez, O. (2022). Conventional justice: compliance with Iachr judgments, Mandates, and perspectives, 2008-2020. Novum Jus, 16(2), 283–303.
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The Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), as the body responsible for administering justice to cases arising from the violation of the rights of the States parties, issues sentences in which it declares a State responsible for having violated rights enshrined in the Convention or in other protection instruments and determines how the victim should be repaired. These judgments are intended to compensate the damages caused. To this end, the Court follows up on compliance with the ruling issued. After a period, it studies the progress made and in case of non-compliance, it determines a new term. This paper addresses compliance with the orders issued in IACHR judgements, by analyzing the types of mandates, deadlines, and terms of execution for the responsible States, as well as compliance rates, seeking to present a general balance.



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