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Morales Ferrer, S. (2015). Implementation of mediation in the indignity of inheriting in Spain. Novum Jus, 9(2), 137–160.

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Following the enactment of Law 5/2012, of July 6. Act of mediation in civil and commercial matters, in our national law to some extent developing the legal concept of mediator, but it is not the subject of this study we know that Spain is a pluri state following the promulgation of the standard in certain Autonomous communities have legislation in particular mediation. But in focusing on this work is the application of mediation in the indignity happen. First for the cause being alive and the heirs tested as intestate not to reach an agreement through mediation because there are usually family disputes, there may be a caregiver of the person with disability can be physical, sensory or mental, with the other heirs or heirs. So, I think that is a good tool mediation to both the deceased and the heirs both tested as intestate find a final agreement for the cause first has the ?attention due? in life and later are not unworthy to succeed her heirs or heirs, since these also create them a social stigma. As states, the title of the work is the application of mediation in the indignity to happen in the first chapter the concept of unworthiness to succeed in the Spanish Civil Code is studied, as understanding mediation should develop this legal concept before and in the second chapter as the parties attending the indignity happen. In the third chapter the indignity happen when the person is handicapped intellectually as may be the case in mediation, and the fourth chapter the possibility that a person involved in the mediation suffer a mental disorder is also studied, being able to take this situation in mediation, and finally in the fifth performance of the mediator in the indignity happen, extinction of mediation and final settlement, as essential elements for the emergence or not a final agreement between the parties to the conflict have studied and well the performance of the mediator in this conflict.



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