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Hincapié Cetina, D. M., & Mejía Quintana, O. (2015). Justice and conscientious objection. Novum Jus, 9(2), 11–48.

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The exercise of conscientious objection in Colombia, such as the refusal of medical professionals to comply with the obligation to perform an abortion (therapeutic procedure known as abortion), in all the three cases decriminalized by the Constitutional Court in 2006, it was treated as a minor issue for the top Constitutional Court and the Administrative, Legislative and other judicial authorities. By a reconstruction of the dogmatic about conscientious objection, which shows the failed attempts of regulation, it is intended to argue a proposal for self-regulation of the medical profession, through their professional organizations, based on the theories of philosophers like Rawls, Habermas and Fraser. A deliberative approach and a coded counterpublics speech is offered, which enables the effective enjoyment of the right to conscientious objection.



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