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Calvo García, M. (2009). Towards a socio-juridical perspective of the positivist theory. Novum Jus, 3(1), 7–34. Retrieved from

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The doctrine of positivism in law is predominant in the recent history of legal theory. As much in positive as in negative, almost everything has been said about this theory. Nevertheless, recently, without falling in repetition, irrelevance or pedantry, has appeared a thematic opening in its study. This thematic opening looks to connect the theory of positive legal system with a perspective of law and society. This article is located in such tendency. Thus, orients to a revision of the iuspositivive theory in relation to the bond between this theory and dynamic the factual budgets of the structure and the legal ones of which such theory tries a conceptual description, considering the impact that the social transformations of their factual budgets have had on this theory.



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