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Ferrari, V. (2009). Some thesis about laicity. Novum Jus, 3(2), 7–26. Retrieved from

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This article says that laicity indicates a condition of the polis, that condition is based on the operational separation between religion, morality and law. That which distinguishes laicity as a model of civic life in a society, is that the separation between the religious, moral and legal is high primary organizing principle, the recognition of a decision-making autonomy “sovereign” civil society, through their representatives. No one should be atheist to accept and support this model of laicity, based on freedom of conscience. Nor does it mean to be agnostic towards the transcendent, cognitive skeptical or indifferent ethics. It just means that every man can admit making an error, without falling into extreme relativism. Thus, laicity is the safeguarding of freedom also for the churches, especially when they are minority



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