How to Cite
Pulido Ortiz, F. E. (2010). Judgments of Humberto Sierra Porto : in procedure and legislative changes in the composition of the Colombian Constitutional Court. Novum Jus, 4(2), 181–204. Retrieved from

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The activity of the Constitutional Court is one source of law necessary to understand the legal practice in Colombia. This activity is a diverse mix of facts, rules and concepts that characterize the judicial law. In this way, changes in the composition of the Constitutional Court should not go unnoticed, especially when in 2010 seven of the nine members of this court will be new. Therefore, in the Faculty of Law, Catholic University of Colombia was developed to describe research relevant jurisprudential elements of sentences of former judges of the Constitutional Court as data necessary to understand the patterns of the “New Court. “ This article presents the findings and perspectives of the work done on the judgments of Humberto Sierra Porto on legislative procedure.



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