How to Cite
Pulido Ortiz, F. E., Sanabria Martínez, L., Burgos Casas, J. C., & Ramírez, G. L. (2012). An approach to the theoretical inconsistencies of the social rule of law. Novum Jus, 6(1), 97–124. Retrieved from

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This paper is intended to clarify and face some of the theoretical aspects of Social Rule of Law and neo-constitutionalism in order to avoid incurring the usual equivocal statements of constitutional dogmatics. To that effect, we first describe the overriding elements of the Modern State concept and how globalization has had an impact on it. Next, we explain the standard theory regarding the differences between the Rule of Law and the Social Rule of Law. The third part of the paper presents the various models of citizenship, that is, models related to the acknowledgment of people’s rights. To conclude, we present the general characteristics of contemporary constitutionalism with regard to Constitution and Human Rights. There we suggest that the normative statements the way they appear in Constitutions and international treaties- are not enough to regulate people’s behaviors which makes it a requirement to make a legal interpretation and implementation of rights in the specific cases in order to adapt Law to social reality.



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