How to Cite
Ochoa Maldonado, O. A. (2012). Vision Colombia 2019 program: an interpretation from two economic growth models (neoclassical and endogenous). Novum Jus, 6(2), 133–153. Retrieved from

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The purpose of this article is to make a conceptual review or the strategies built into the Vision Colombia 19 Program prepared by the national Government in order to achieve the country's long-run economic growth, which means higher levels of potential GDP. Having that clear and in mind, we will begin by establishing the theoretical framework that will guide the study. Then we will go into the analysis of the main actions that were put together for each of the strategic areas identified in the document, highlighting the main coincidences of the 2019 Program with the long-run economic growth models of the neoclassical school of economic thought as well as with the endogenous school economic growth model.



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