How to Cite
Da Conceição Lima, L. C., Moreno Pires, S., & Nunes Resende, D. (2024). European Union and Mercosur agreement: New perspectives for its effectiveness. Novum Jus, 18(2), 305–333.
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The EU-Mercosur agreement, negotiated more than 20 years ago, has objectives that go beyond trade relations. The proposed cooperation includes the reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers, investment in technology development, transportation, education, and, above all, the promotion of sustainable development. Considered as one of the largest interregional agreements, the prospects for its future conclusion are great. Considering the issues that make its conclusion difficult, this article aims to analyze, through bibliographical research and documentary study, the implications of the different scenarios for a definitive approval of the Agreement. To this end, its historical context has been studied, from the initial proposal, through the negotiations and the various interruptions that have occurred, to then evaluate the state of the art and the prospects for completion. From the analysis carried out, it was concluded that
expectations regarding the approval of the agreement have improved, considering the recent changes in the Brazilian political context and the various forces that have been exerted in this regard. However, the negotiations are permeated by political influences and dynamic scenarios that make the intended consensus unfeasible. The importance of the present study is related to the growing discussions about the impact of the agreement, mainly regarding the effectiveness of the negotiated socio-environmental clauses, an
issue that can be analyzed in future work, which evaluates the effectiveness of the proposed clauses and the possibility of harmonizing standards and policies adopted within the two regions.conclusion are great. Considering the issues that make its conclusion difficult, this article aims to analyze, through bibliographical research and documentary study, the implications of the different scenarios for a definitive approval of the Agreement. To this end, its historical context has been studied, from the initial proposal, through the negotiations and the various interruptions that have occurred, to then evaluate the state of the art and the prospects for completion. From the analysis carried out, it was concluded that
expectations regarding the approval of the agreement have improved, considering the recent changes in the Brazilian political context and the various forces that have been exerted in this regard. However, the negotiations are permeated by political influences and dynamic scenarios that make the intended consensus unfeasible. The importance of the present study is related to the growing discussions about the impact of the agreement, mainly regarding the effectiveness of the negotiated socio-environmental clauses, an
issue that can be analyzed in future work, which evaluates the effectiveness of the proposed clauses and the possibility of harmonizing standards and policies adopted within the two regions.



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