How to Cite
Mykhailo, H., Oleksandr, K. ., Mykola, T. ., & Igor, V. (2023). The Victimity of Subjects of Criminal Processes and the Prevention of Criminal Offenses against Them. Novum Jus, 17(1), 13–31.
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The purpose of this article is to enhance the measures to prevent criminal offenses against participants in criminal proceedings by clarifying the determinants of victimhood, highlighting the relevant typical features of victims. It was found that the victimhood of participants in criminal proceedings is characterized by a combination of personal behavioral qualities and special status, which interact with external factors and may be manifested simultaneously in a complex fashion and with different interpretations. Victim-forming factors of participants in criminal proceedings are singled out—a set of socio-psychological and biophysiological
properties, behavioral attitudes and personal characteristics, and external conditions. To develop effective
prevention measures, the main types of victims—participants in criminal proceedings—are identified: victims
involved in criminal proceedings (witness, victim, suspect (accused), defense counsel, legal representative, expert, specialist, etc.) and victims—professional participants in criminal proceedings (investigator, coroner,
prosecutor, judge, expert). The essence of professional victimhood is determined, which can be characterized by the absence of provocative manifestations, and the identification of the participants in criminal proceedings by the authorities, which causes in a certain category of persons the desire to come into conflict with them.
The factors that cause increased victimization are highlighted.



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