How to Cite
Villalobos Antúnez, J. V., Guerrero Lobo, J. F., Caldera Ynfante, J. E., & Ramírez Molina, R. I. (2022). Perspectives Of Critical Epistemology: The Fundamental Question About A New Science. Novum Jus, 16(3), 161–187.
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Many current problems surrounding science revolve around the complex epistemological framework that shapes a new vision of knowledge about reality. The traditional epistemological positions are characterized by the explanation of nature by means of concatenated facts; that is, as bricks attached to each other giving shape to the edifice of science. A conception of this nature showed that the idea of certainty was nothing more than a mere illusion, opening the way, on the contrary, to the idea of the uncertainty of knowledge based on the descriptions of quantum physics, also a product of the non-reductionist conception of reality, thus criticizing the specular representation. This article addresses the main problems surrounding the critical conceptions that the emerging epistemology reveals about knowledge, pointing towards a much more complex vision of reality.



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