How to Cite
Beltrán Cárdenas, L. A. (2022). Crime and Prison Subculture: How to Minimize the Desocialization Process?. Novum Jus, 16(1), 99–113.
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The purpose of this article is to highlight the path of desocialization that begins when a person commits a conduct considered punishable within the legal system in which he lives, and who as a result of it is captured, prosecuted and sentenced to imprisonment in a penitentiary or a prison.

When entering the prison, a person will be exposed to an environment of State restrictions, as well as to the exercise of power of other actors which will generate in the being the need to adapt to a subculture that carries with it its own learning, norms and rules, which will be mostly internalized the longer the custodial sentence lasts.

Hence the question arises of what can be done to stop and reverse the process of desocialization that begins when the person commits a crime and that is exacerbated during the execution of the custodial sentence?


The main research problems are developed around:

What factors can contribute to a genuine process of prison resocialization?

The purpose of this article is to examine the path of desocialization that begins when a person commits a punishable conduct and, consequently, is captured, prosecuted and sentenced to a prison term.
commits a punishable conduct and, consequently, is captured, prosecuted and sentenced to deprivation of liberty in a penitentiary and prison
and sentenced to deprivation of liberty in a penitentiary and prison center. There he or she will be exposed to an environment of
to an environment of state restrictions and also to the exercise of power by other actors, which requires her to adapt to a subculture with
to a subculture with its own learning, norms and rules that will be internalized the longer the sentence lasts.
the longer the sentence lasts.

This raises the question of what can be done to halt and reverse the process of desocialization that begins when the prisoner is sentenced to death.
the process of desocialization that begins when the person commits a crime and worsens during the period of imprisonment.
deprivation of liberty. The main research problems are developed around the following issues
the factors that can contribute to a real resocialization process and why prison prevents real reintegration possibilities.
real possibilities of social reintegration for the convicted person.

The research approach used was qualitative. Doctrinal, jurisprudential and legal positions on resocialization
and legal positions on post-penitentiary resocialization were analyzed from secondary sources and individual systematization.
systematization. It was identified that, just as the causes of crime are not unique, neither are the means to prevent recidivism
to avoid recidivism and to have a better chance of resocialization; therefore, time is required,
and a social and professional team to contribute to the process of the convict and post-penitent.



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