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Granados Ferreira, J. (2021). legal-procedural institutions for the protection of the right to healthcare. Novum Jus, 15(1), 161–190.
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The analysis and study of legal institutions seeks to determine, from a legal standpoint, the degree
of responsibility incurred by medical professionals, and establish the level of responsibility in
medical malpractice, which is determined from the actions of a health professional or health services
provider. To determine these premises, it is vital to understand and define the way in which the
attending physician may fulfill his or her commitment and the necessary requirements in terms of
responsibility. To do so, it is sought to determine who is responsible for presenting the evidence; the
law determined the plaintiff must provide evidence to prove medical malpractice. It is important to
understand the cases or procedural stages in which compensable damages can be awarded, or the
so-called “loss of opportunity.” This work used an analytical descriptive method, which implies the
conceptual analysis of each of the components and of the various theoretical elements that make
up the conceptual framework on legal procedural institutions, in relation to the protection of the
fundamental right to health, from its cause, nature, and effects. This method allows us to learn more
about the object of study, with which it is possible to expose, make analogies, and establish new
explanatory theories.



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