How to Cite
Isaza Gomez, P. A., & Rubio Velasquez, S. J. . (2020). Review “International Responsibility and Protection of the Environment: In times Of peace, during armed Conflicts and post-conflict Periods”. Novum Jus, 14(2), 333–335.

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Book written by Jaime Cubides and Tania Giovanna Vivas-Barrera.Reviewed by: Paula Andrea Isaza Gomez and Sandra Juliette Rubio Velasquez - Students at Universidad Católica de Colombia and editorial assistants at Novum Jus Law Journal.



Inter- American of Human Rights. “Case of the afro-descendant communities of the Cacarica River (Genesis Operation) vs. Colombia”. 20 november of 2013. Recovered from:

United Nations, “Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court”. 17 july of 1998.

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