How to Cite
Trujillo Polindara, J., & Cáceres Cáceres, C. P. (2020). The perception of police work in houses of Justice and community centers. Novum Jus, 14(2), 281–304.

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This research seeks to analyze the perception of the participation of the Colombian National Police in

the national program of Houses of Justice and Civic Coexistence Centers. The article uses a descriptive

analysis, interviews, and surveys to analyze the scope of police management in these scenarios. The

research found that the framework of the program has favorable conditions for efficient articulation

with other State entities and civil society organizations regarding crime prevention activities, alternative

conflict resolution, and the promotion of citizen coexistence. It concludes that the creation of an

institutional policy to increase and improve this participation would contribute to strengthening the

ties of the National Police with citizens and to fulfilling its constitutional mandate.



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