How to Cite
Verónica. (2020). Subjectivity And The Family That Underlie Contemporary Legislative Reforms. Novum Jus, 14(2), 235–256.
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These work seeks to analyze from a sociological perspective the conceptions of family and subject
that predominate in contemporary Western society. The study of the analytic categories this proposes
is interesting for the jurist, in order to approach and understand the important legislative changes
of this century, in particular those of the Argentinean Civil and Commercial Code, approved in
Law 26.994, in effect since August 1, 2015. Since the change of position that signified the work of
Descartes and other philosophers that followed him, man1 is located in the center of the scene of
thought and action, in the place previously occupied by “God,” the “Creator”, or “Mother Earth.” This
gave rise to a new vision that transformed reality. The ideas of progress, scientific and technological
advancements, the direct, personal search for God (Protestant schism), the revaluation of the private
life over the public, and the emergence of feminism, among others, led to the appearance of a new
subject and of a family “in disorder,”2 that needed to be rearmed and reconsidered. The study of
the transformation produced in these two spheres is a necessary step to advise to what extent these
conceptions are implicit in specific legislative changes.



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