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Schwartz, G. (2019). Where law and politics structurally meet : constitutions. Novum Jus, 13(2), 17–37.

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This paper aims to understand how the coupling between Law and Politics occurs through constitutions, using as a framework the theory of autopoietic social systems applied to the law. From a sociological point of view, it is found the legal system is self-validated, since it allows an acknowledgement of the law through constitutional / unconstitutional logic. Constitutions produce this filter, that is, they constitute structural links between law and politics, through the communicative processes that take place between functionally different systems. For the legal world, they represent the translation of existing communications to the social system, and for the political system, an orientation and a demarcation of its power and legitimacy. The research, mainly based on the work of Niklas Luhmann, is divided into three parts. First, the theoretical framework and the observation point of the phenomena are presented. Second, the idea of structural coupling is explained based on the theory of social systems. Finally, the relationship between the political and legal systems is addressed through constitutions.



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