How to Cite
Santaella Vallejo, A. (2019). Clay ceiling : reflections on co-responsability education. Novum Jus, 13(1), 71–88.
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The educational model for girls has been designed according to the role attributed to women in every moment of history. At present, despite the existing parity of rights between men and women,real gender equality has not yet been achieved. Women still find a series of social limitations (glass ceiling) or personal limitations (cement ceiling) that prevent them from being equal. In terms of education, there exists another type of ceilings that we will call clay ceiling, which refers to visible or invisible educational barriers, as well as to the absence of capacities and aptitudes that impede the achievement of real equality; and which, due to their customary nature, are difficult to eradicate and place limits on both men and women. This paper proposes the acceptance of new educational values, such as co-responsibility and gender intelligence, in order to develop different vital expectations for both.



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