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In 2008, with half of the world?s population comprised of homo urbanus(or urban dwellers)[1], there was a growing realization that cities have become the most prominent site for de-nationalization that runs in congruence to rising globalization.[2] In fact, authors claim that even globalization has a defined locus, which is the city.[3]Cities are reconfiguring their relations with other cities and global institutions in a bid to secure relevance. Cities are rapidly asserting their influence on the international legal order, which does not formally accept these entities as international persons. The paper advances a case for recognizing the international legal personality of these sub-national units, using different theoretical approaches to international personality, including human rights and sociological-constructivist approaches. This paper also seeks to analyze the rights and duties of cities in international law, their de facto recognition in the international framework, as well as the development of international principles governing cities.

[1]Alex Awiti, Building Cities for a Bulging World [analysis],Urban Gateway,

[2]SaskiaSassen, Territory, Authority, Rights31 (2006)

[3]SaskiaSassen, The global city: New York, London, Tokyo324 (1991)



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