How to Cite
Costa Junior, A., & Blanchet, L. A. (2019). Energy integration in Mercosur based on development and sustainability. Novum Jus, 13(1), 91–120.

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The present work intends to make an analysis of what is an energy integration in Mercosur that meets the concepts of development and sustainability. For this, it seeks a deeper look at the concept of energy and its various forms of manifestation, aiming at an understanding of what development is and whether it would always be incremental, in order to explore the concept of sustainability in order to achieve an understanding of sustainable development within of the anthropocentric and ecocentric view. Following is the history and legal basis of Mercosur and its organs, and then analyze how has been given the energy integration between its members and geographic neighbors, especially regarding natural gas and electric energy. It concludes by elaborating considerations based on the concepts presented, on the relevance of energy integration and interconnection between member countries, and how this contributes to sustainable development. The methodology used was deductive, through a qualitative and exploratory research, as well as an analysis of relevant works on the theme.



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