How to Cite
Parra Avila, E., & Báez Alipio, C. A. (2019). A classification of the vulneration modalities of the right to life in Colombia. Novum Jus, 13(1), 205–228.

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The conceptual complexity employed by law and medical sciences makes it difficult to study the different nuances of the right to life and forms of its violation. The present article seeks to describe conceptual differences between forms of violation of the right to life in Colombia, aiming to classify them, identify their legal regulation, and expose their terminological problems, in such a way that they can be addressed by the greatest possible spectrum of disciplines. The methodology used is based on the philosophy of language and has the following sequence: medical definition of the term, legal definition of the term, characterization of the subjects involved in these definitions, and location of the term in a taxonomy based on the willfulness of violation. For this purpose, the paper explains and organizes different facets of the term ?life,? followed by different facets of the term ?violation of life,? according to the proposed methodology. As a conclusion, thanks to conceptual simplification, it can be safely asserted that the right to life is legally disposable in various circumstances.



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