How to Cite
Polo Alvis, S., Serrano López, E., & Granados Vela, L. A. (2018). Costa Rica : a social challenge for colombian migrants. Novum Jus, 12(1), 191–218.

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This paper aims to understand the current conditions of the Colombian people in Costa Rican society, as well as the social integration processes in the country. By understanding these circumstances, it is possible to have a broader perspective of Colombian migrants in Costa Rica that includes the sociopolitical conditions of the host country's society and that facilitates a greater follow-up of Colombians. By understanding the statistics and demographics of the socioeconomic conditions of the Colombian population in Costa Rica and conducting an ethnographic study on the perspectives and personal experiences of Colombian migrants, we aim to provide the readers with a reliable vision of Colombian migration to that country, framed in a socio-historical analysis of this migration tendency.



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