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Chakraborty, S. (2018). Artificial intelligence and human rights : an analysis of whether both are convergent or parallel to each other?. Novum Jus, 12(2), 13–38.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been central to the dialogue engaged in a statutory framework addressing the creation of a balance between AI and human rights by governments across the globe. In 1997, Gary Kasparov, chess Grand Master and world champion, was beaten by Deep Blue, a black rectangular computer developed by IBM Inc. A new era has begun in front of the whole world when a machine defeated one of the brightest and most intelligent people on the planet, in one of the most intellectually challenging games ever created by men. After discussing a plethora of pros and cons of AI regarding human rights, the creation and increasing usage of AI has gained momentum for a necessary regulation of the AI industry. A wider coverage and substantial equity through providing legal recourse to different types of violations of human rights in the service and labor industry has proved to be the need of the hour. AI usage has its proponents and opponents; however, some forms of AI are both important and desirable for a technologically modern human evolution. Nonetheless, the disturbing question that arises today is whether, when transferring the experience of the past to the future, mass unemployment, mass poverty, and social distortions are still a possible scenario for the new world, a world where robots, intelligent systems, and algorithms play an increasingly central role. This paper engages in a critical analysis of the effects of AI on human rights through the lenses of economic structures, working relationships, job profiles, and well-established working time and remuneration models, which will undergo major changes due to increased AI usage. By demystifying recent precedents in the international arena, the paper seeks to throw light on the fundamental impact of new technical developments on the global labor market in the next few years, not just on industrial jobs, but on the core of human tasks in the service sector that are considered "untouchable." Consequently, looking at the two sides of the coin, it concisely discusses the polarity of the absence of any statutory recognition of AI and its impact.



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