How to Cite
Romero Leal, Y. del P. (2017). Political crime in Colombia in the 19th century : thoughts about the revolution during the criminal trial against José María Obando (1853-1855). Novum Jus, 11(2), 81–95.

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The article aims to analyze political crime in Colombia during the civil war of the nineteenth century. Once the confrontations had reached an end, the losers were tried in order to establish the degree of responsibility and the type of crime committed: political or common. In these trials, the controversy not only revolved around the criminal behavior, but in the context of the revolution. It is this last point that this article seeks to discuss. Which were the controversies that defined the participation in the revolution as a political or common crime. The work is framed within the history of the law, and for this purpose we analysed the trial of general president Jose Maria Obando, who was accused of treason and rebellion for his supposed collaboration to the Revolution of 1853, forged by the General José María Melo. Therefore, rather than a debate of dogmatic nature, it is a study from the social history of the law and the construction of the crime from the political and social senses and interests.



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