How to Cite
Martinez Montufar, A. H., & Noguera Santander, D. L. (2017). Guarantee of the constitutional rights of indigenous peoples in multinationalism and neoconstitutionalism. Novum Jus, 11(2), 19–51.

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The present article conducts a hermeneutic research that seeks to identify the presence of a multinational state in Colombia, as a neoconstitutional strategy developed from two constituted theories: the first one studies the theory of open constitutionalism by Gustav Zagreblesky, identified from two specific moments within the Colombian legal system: the proposal of a new constitution and the form of interpretation of the Constitution and the laws. The second theory is the multinational state within the theory of the constitutional guarantees by Luigi Ferrajoli. This theory proposes the link between the principle of self-determination and of peace as pillars of constitutional fundamentalism.



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