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Morales Ferrer, S., & Daza Coronado, S. M. (2016). The duty of information to patient informed consent and treatment in Spain. Novum Jus, 10(2), 11–34.

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The promulgation of the General Health Law 14/1986 on April 252 initiated the right of patients to information and their informed consent in Spanish domestic legislation; patients have always had the right to be informed of their illness and the outpatient treatment within the framework of human rights, nevertheless, since Spain is a pluri-legislative state, the right to information and informed consent are affected in each autonomous community. This article focuses on three concepts: the duty of information to patients, informed consent, and outpatient treatment. Together, they are a good legal tool in the 21st century for both the patient and the doctor, in the understanding of the Lex Artis as a legal element to appeal to the courts. In order to develop these concepts, this article consists of five sections: the first outlines a study of the beginnings of the legislative application of the duty to inform patients and its legal concept; the second section explains informed consent; the third presents the consequences of the lack of information; the fourth comprises the burden of proof, and the fifth section deals with outpatient treatment as an indispensable element, even in the situation of a disabled person.



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