How to Cite
Galán Galindo, A. R. (2016). Human rights founded on legitimation and legal morality. Novum Jus, 10(1), 31–48.

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Colombia is immersed in the peace process, as well as in a post-conflict context, in case the peace agreement is signed. Consequently, it must face a stage of continuous transition, in which to rethink aspects such as the model of justice as employed so far, which in turn will end up changing the legal system and public policies as practiced to date. Therefore, when it comes to considering public policies aimed at achieving peace, these must be understood from the perspective of peaceful coexistence and the acceptance of others. All this would be achieved by the evolution of the legal and cultural system of the Colombian society in order to include legal morality, which has as its fundamental requirement a mutual recognition among people, and which comes to life with a legal system that goes beyond simply protecting human rights. This refers to pluriculturality that exists throughout the national territory, for example, gipsy ethnic minorities, Afro-descendants, etc., as well as how they should be effectively included in a sustainable social model



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