Code of ethics and good practices




Novum Jus is committed to following the highest ethical standards at all stages of the publishing process. The authors of the published articles guarantee that it is original; that it does not contain plagiarized or defamatory material; that it does not invade the right to privacy; and that it does not infringe any intellectual property right or internal and international legislation. Novum Jus adheres to the ethical principles contained in the different declarations and laws on intellectual property and copyright specific to the country where the research was conducted. Consequently, the authors of the articles submitted and accepted for publication, which present research results, must sign the originality declaration (Attach originality declaration).

Policy on falsification, data manipulation and plagiarism

The editorial team, including the editor, authors and reviewers must follow the international ethical standards defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), especially those related to:

  1. Fabrication, falsification or omission of data.
  2. Plagiarism
  3. Redundant, duplicate or fragmented publication
  4. Omission of citations and references to sources consulted
  5. Use of content without permission or without justification
  6. Individual appropriation of collective authorship
  7. Changes in authorship
  8. Undisclosed Conflicts of interest (CDI)
  9. Any and other ethical breach that may arise in the research and publication process.

The fabrication of results occurs when the author makes up ideas and data. Falsification results from data manipulation by the authors. Omission originates when the authors deliberately conceal a fact or information in order to change their research results. Plagiarism occurs when an author presents data created by others as their own ideas. The following are types of plagiarism: direct copying of a text without quotation marks or citing the source, modification of some words in the text, paraphrasing and lack of acknowledgments; self-plagiarism occurs when the same author reuses his own material that has already been published, but without indicating the reference to the previous work. Redundant or duplicate publication refers to the total, partial or altered copy of a work already published by the same author.

In case of suspicion of any misconduct, we will follow the flow charts prepared by COPE in order to determine the corresponding actions.


Authors' duties

The magazine ethically condemns plagiarism and aims to combat it in any of its manifestations.

The author declares under oath the following:

(i) the article is the author's original work.

(ii) All permission required by any other person or entity necessary for the publication of the Article have been or will be provided to Novum Jus by the Author, at the Author's expense, prior to publication.

(iii) The Article is not subject to any prior copyright registration, in whole or in part.

(iv) The Article is not subject to any other publication or understanding agreement.

(v) Neither the Article nor any substantial part of it has been previously published

(vi) The Article does not contain false, defamatory information, an invasion of privacy, an infringement of any property or property right (including, among others, copyright, the right of publicity or trade secret), or if it is illegal or harmful.

Papers submitted to the journal must be unpublished and the result of original research. The work or ideas of others must be recognized as such through the rules of citation or registration.

Authorship is limited to those who have contributed substantially to the work. All authors must have accepted the submission for publication.

The sources used by the author must be identified so that others can access them.

The works sent to Novum Jus cannot be sent simultaneously to others. Nor may a work that has been previously rejected be submitted for the second time.

If there is a source of financing for the work, the author must notify one of the editors of the journal at the time of submission. Likewise, any conflict of interest that could affect the impartiality of the investigation, such as the fact that it is a legal report financed by a third party.

The author agrees to cooperate with the Novum Jus editorial process and to comply with all deadlines and other requirements established by his editor (s). Editors retain the discretion to decide whether and when to publish any article; however, no article will be published without the author's final approval. All citations in the published Article will conform to the most recent version of the University of Chicago Legal Citation Manual (the "Brown Book"). Upon request, the Author will immediately provide copies of all materials cited in the Article that cannot be located by the Novum Jus editorial team.


Duties of the Editorial Board


The Editorial Board of the magazine is responsible for the content that is published in accordance with the institutional and private policies of Novum Jus, and must ensure both the rights of the authors and good editorial practices.

The Editor must inform the Board of any type of plagiarism or other conduct contrary to said good practices that it detects in its work.

It will be made up of professionals with a recognized track record in the areas of law, legal and political sociology, who will provide their expertise in each of the areas in which Novum Jus is structured.

The composition of the Committee will be defined by recognized researchers from the University, and external to the institution at national and international level. The balanced representation will be maintained for each of the sections of the Magazine.

The relationship of the members of the Committee is of an honorary nature and does not generate any type of employment or contractual relationship with the Catholic University of Colombia.

The functions of the editorial committee are as follows:

  1. Establish the editorial policy of Novum Jus, in accordance with the editorial policy of the Catholic University.
  2. Maintain the scientific and technical quality of the journal in accordance with the requirements of the indexing and abstract systems (SIR).
  3. Propose appropriate reviewers for submitted articles
  4. Ensure the maintenance of international ethics standards applicable to scientific publications.
  5. Safeguard the impartiality and confidentiality of the peer review reports.


Duties of peer reviewers

Peer reviewers must assess whether the submitted work meets both formal and substantial requirements as defined by the journal. Their reports should be prepared by themselves and should clearly explain their reasons for recommending the paper for publication or not.  Any corrections to the paper must also be clearly explained in the report.

The reviewer shall carry out their work in a confidential, objective, and respectful manner. Likewise, it must inform the Editorial Board of any conflict of interest that may affect its evaluation.

In particular, the peer reviewer must collaborate with the Editorial Board in the prevention of plagiarism and, therefore, will inform her of any indication that may arise from her review.


Complaints Process

In the event that the authors, reviewers or readers of Novum Jus have any request, complaint or claim, it should be emailed to where it will be received and registered by a member of the editorial team, who will respond within fifteen (15) business days following the filing.


Conflicts of Interest

Novum Jus requires all its authors to declare any personal or commercial interest they may have when submitting the manuscript. By submitting the article, the authors assume the declaration of non-existence of conflicts of interest regarding it.


Right of withdrawal of publication

Novum Jus reserves the right to withdraw the publication of those articles that, after being published, present errors in good faith, fraud or bad scientific practices. This decision will be based on “Retraction Guidelines” (COPE, 2019). If the error is minor, it can be rectified by means of an editorial correction note or an errata. Authors also have the possibility to request a retraction of publication when they discover that their work contains serious errors. In all cases, the electronic version will be kept and warnings will be made clearly and unequivocally.

Sistema OJS 3 - Metabiblioteca |