How to Cite
Rodríguez Ortegón, D., & León Molina, J. E. (2015). The logic of the judicial function : analysis on constitutional justice. Novum Jus, 9(2), 95–110.

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This paper will make a logical analysis of the judicial function within the framework of constitutional justice, which should make use of the fundamental law or rule. This research paper suggests the examination of a logic in the case based on constitutional justice, pointed from three main objectives: to obey a democratic system, to determine the effectiveness of the criteria of constitutional justice founded on the normative interpretation performed by judges and to propose the interpretative limits that the Constitution presents. This is because the variety of cases requires a decision that does not depart from the equal constitutional guarantees, expressed in a natural language to facilitate understanding by the operators, who, in the interpretive exercise, can model formal languages that determine the operational logical variables for each individual case or for each set of cases as a way to explain both rational and argumentative structure of the court decision from a functional logic perspective.



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