How to Cite
Bedoya Chavarriaga, J. C. (2015). Law and drugs : inconsistencies about the public and penitenciary policy. Novum Jus, 9(2), 75–94.

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Legislation on drugs in Colombia follows a high-impact social phenomenon across the country. This is linked to common crime and armed conflict, which is why it is an issue of particular relevance in the context of a post-conflict situation. However, the rules on drugs are inconsistent, not only regarding to medical concepts, but with the same standard and principles that govern the legal system. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the regulations as a whole, based on the rules related to consumption, traffic and other activities associated with its use, to propose real and effective regulatory conflict solutions, technical and legal inconsistencies and public policies that has set the country on narcotic substances, consumption and production chain.



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