How to Cite
Moya Vargas, M. F. (2008). La transvaluación : su posibilidad como categoría de análisis en la investigación sociojurídica. Novum Jus, 2(1), 33–68. Retrieved from

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Transvaluation is a category that can be available to legal analysis. Its origin is related to the mutation of sense that can acquire some phenomena among which legal institutions can be found. These institutions are offered to society into a background of sense. Their noetic and noematic content can be differentiated. So, from legal institutions communicational processes operate and locate Law into the institutional facts that root their existence in the social belief that they are what they do are or represent. In the meantime such, the background, habitus or environment operates as condition of its existence. Consequently, they have a syntactic and semantic base that reports about its explicit purpose and its intentionality not always sufficiently well informed. Transvaluation is what allows to sub-understand in the analysis to society with its legal institutions.



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