How to Cite
Becerra, D. (2009). The pretrial settlement in the new accusatory system as restorative justice mechanism. Novum Jus, 3(2), 271–292. Retrieved from

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The approximated in this study begins with an insight into the concepts of conciliation and alternative dispute resolution, in order to establish whether the reconciliation in the new Colombian criminal justice system, is a guarantor of restorative justice the right of access to justice. The nature of alternative dispute resolution designed conciliation as an alternative to formal or procedural justice, largely voluntary, that the new Colombian criminal justice system, enter the figure for the crimes referred to as pre-complaint, as in some previous penal systems, but the differentiator providing cutting restorative justice, which creates a change in the conception of the right of access to justice, and with a purpose but to benefit the victims, coupled with efforts by of entities to administer justice effectively



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