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Moya Vargas, M. F. (2010). Kant, firts systematized for criminal law. Novum Jus, 4(2), 77–94. Retrieved from

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Social processes have been warned of punishment in all models or human organizations that anthropology has described. However, it does not follow that, based on systems theory, has always existed a criminal systemic structure that accounts for the punitive function of the state. Although the incursions discursive history reveals, as the work of Beccaria, who first made a legal systematization includes appropriate for this discourse of criminal law, it was precisely Kant's Metaphysics of Morals. The work itself is a proposed system of law in general, which proposes a global taxonomy with in which the penalty factor is part of public law. From there it operates the subjective bases of criminal law, that is, one whose foundations reveal the guilt as a basis of liability



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