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Camelo, H. A. (2011). Transformation of the dynamics of confrontation in the armed conflict. Novum Jus, 5(1), 55–78. Retrieved from

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The armed conflict has undergone a series of transformations since the end of the Cold War. These changes in its dynamics has led to the construction of an academic category known as the new wars, which gathers a series of particular characteristics in the objectives pursued by actors engaged in armed conflict, sources of financing, techniques to that resort, its territorial logics, and their impact on civilians. This category is not exempt from controversy in the political and academic fields. However, it offers important analytical features of the reality of the armed conflict, to be especially taken into account in the Colombian case. The raid of the category of terrorism permeated international politics in the treatment of the armed conflict. Even in the domestic agendas of many countries, the efforts have been adapted to deal with terrorist threats.



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