How to Cite
Durán Mantilla, J. G. (2011). Call of the nature. Novum Jus, 5(2), 81–101. Retrieved from

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This paper aims to elaborate upon Pope Benedict's speech to the Bundestag in September 2011, just as he Himself suggests doing. The core of the discourse is the foundation of Law or the fundamental issue of its philosophy: Justice (which is the response from iusnaturalism to the question about such principle). With Kelsen, what is and what ought to be were set apart and that had an adverse effect on their essence. On the contrary, Benedict XVI wants to return to the ancient and perennial notion of justice, the foundation of Law that understood the just thing as a trinomial composed of nature (what is), reason (what ought to be), and Spiritus Creator (support of reason and nature) and made justice more comprehensible. This is the starting point from which this paper intends to comment on in order to facilitate the understanding of Benedict XVI's ideas, basing His thoughts on the book by Leonardo Boff La opción tierra (Earth option). From our point of view this book approximates what is to what ought to be and from Boff's ecologist view poses some questions in the human level, particularly in the field of Law



Ámbito Jurídico.17-30 de octubre, 2011.

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