How to Cite
Ramírez Montufar, Álvaro H. (2012). Television, minds and democracy. Novum Jus, 6(1), 23–42. Retrieved from

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This article intends to analyze the work called "On Television", which brings together two television programs directed by Pierre Bourdieu that were broadcasted in the College de France. Bourdieu was professor of sociology at that educational institution, director of studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Social Sciences and one of the most prestigious and controversial thinkers of the 20th century (1993-2002).

It is interesting and exciting to find authors with his intellectual stature who, as he says, look for the “hidden things” in social and individual conscious and subconscious. This paper will focus on one of the most controversial arguments put forward by Bourdieu, which states that television puts at “very serious risk” different spheres of cultural production such as science, literature, philosophy, art, law, among others, and consequently endangers political life and democracy

Any country or continent with a mass media such a television may adopt these pieces of work that analyze world order from the structural criticism perspective. They are rewarding not only for their intellectual wealth but also for the handling of space and time since they are developed in the place where the television phenomenon is being studied and in favorable moments of its creation.



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