How to Cite
Ostau de Lafont de León, F. R., & Niño Chavarro, L. Ángela. (2014). Essential public service and the right to strike in Colombia (conventions No. 87 and 98 of ILO.). Novum Jus, 8(1), 39–59.

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This paper will set out a solution to the controversy that emerged after the approval of the Constitution of 1991, in which two norms in the matter of labour (Labour Law) were established: Article 53 mandates (...) International conventions of labour duly ratified are part of the internal law. (...); and Article 93 states International treaties and conventions ratified by Congress that recognize Human Rights and prohibit their limitations in state of exception, prevail in the internal order (...). This norms have produced that the Convention No. 87 and 98 of ILO (ratified by Colombia through law 26 and 27 of 1976 respectively) and the comments of their supervisory bodies (Trade Union Freedom Comittee and the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations) be considered by the Constitutional Court as conventions of human rights that are part of the constitutionality block. This has resulted in a contradiction of the substantive code addressing the exercise of the right to strike. The purpose of this article will be to establish the concept of essential public service and the right to strike, the grounds of illegality declaration of collective halt or suspension of activities, and the different types of strike in Colombia.



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