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Agudelo Giraldo, Óscar A. (2014). Two legal dilemmas in Ronald Dworkin. Novum Jus, 8(2), 35–53.

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From contemporary legal disciplines like the Theory of Legal Argumentation, the treatment of the so-called hard cases stand out as a matter of methodology. Thus, after confronting formalist and anti-formalist notions of Law, the Western legal tradition has not been able to respond univocally to the solution of hard cases. In the practice of Law, difficult constitutional cases stand out for their complexity, which treatment does not lie in the mechanical procedure of legal decision, in contrast to auxiliary disciplines such as Viehweg's Legal Topic and the use of dialectical reasoning before difficult constitutional cases. As Dworkin stated, the former assumes that a philosophical activity persists in the legal function, at least regarding the solution of hard cases.



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