How to Cite
Gonzales Bustos, J. P. (2024). The Court of Justice of The Andean Community: An Exploratory Analysis of its Case-Law Activity. Novum Jus, 18(2), 151–176.
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This paper discusses the rulings of the Court of Justice of the Andean Community in 2019, the last year in which the Court was able to carry out its customary activities before the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this, an original database has been built with information obtained from the rulings of the Court of Justice. The database development allowed for an exploratory analysis of the Court’s case law.
The main conclusions indicate that the Court of Justice has dedicated 80 % of its operation to interpreting a decision, Decision 486. Of this Decision, a single provision, Article 136, was interpreted 336 times, representing 57 % of its work. In other words, more than half of the Court of Justice's activity has focused on examining the content of a single article. Our work is the first to conduct this type of analysis, with
original conclusions about this Court.



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