How to Cite
Realpe Díaz, M. E. (2024). Cyber Diplomacy in Cyber Power: Mechanisms and Strategies for Furthering National Interests. Novum Jus, 18(2), 279–304.
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This article aims to examine the dynamics in cyberspace and identify those relevant to the international system, mainly those threatening nations’ stability due to the struggle for power in contemporary geopolitics. In this context, where even NATO has recognized cyberspace as a domain since 2016, it is necessary to introduce a new diplomatic tool called cyber diplomacy as part of scientific diplomacy in a country’s cyber power to advance its national interests. The methodology used is a systematic review of various primary or individual studies. Gray literature and the interpretation and understanding of the researcher are incorporated
through a comparative analysis of the meanings of cyber diplomacy and its categories. The importance of this concept is stressed as it can well be considered an evolving neologism with increasing roots in the issues of the international system and the cyber power of any State.



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