How to Cite
Neves Pérez, H. (2023). Open Strategic Autonomy: The European Union’s Response to a New Geopolitical Scenario. Novum Jus, 17(3), 215–236.
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Open strategic autonomy is the new paradigm that characterizes the European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), an innovative axis that seeks to define the objectives and horizons of the European Union (EU) in a globalized and changing world. The open strategic autonomy, unlike its previous version which did not add the adjective open, aims to maintain the stability and well-being of European citizens,
involving non-state actors and civil society, while guaranteeing the autonomy of the Community project. The purpose of this study is to define what is meant by open strategic autonomy and to focus the analysis on its challenges, opportunities, and strengths. In this way, it will be possible to identify the EU's recent shift in security and defense, and to show how this new strategy is not only focused on this area, but also encompasses and influences all EU policies.Open strategic autonomy is presented as an impetus for European and global cooperation, allowing the EU to strengthen its leadership capacity on international issues related to industrial policy, international trade, the environment, migration, digitalization and, of course, security and defense. It is therefore a concept that will mark the EU's way of acting in the coming decades; a roadmap that it will try to implement in order to face the new global scenario, much more changing and uncertain than that of the era known as the liberal peace, which in its time augured the theses of the end of history.



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