How to Cite
Lafferriere, J. N. (2024). Dynamic Analysis of the Inter-american Court of Human Rights’ Formulas on Dignity and Autonomy. Novum Jus, 18(1), 65–88.
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This paper aims to reconstruct the jurisprudential lines of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights that reflect a close connection between dignity and autonomy. To achieve this, a dynamic method of jurisprudential analysis is applied, based on contentious cases and advisory opinions, which allows identifying the foundational documents of these lines and the subsequent ones that compose them. Four formulas have been identified, which are used by the Court as argumentative standards on at least two occasions. The first appearance of the formulas concerning dignity and autonomy dates back to 2012, and the 2016 judgment "I.V. v. Bolivia" is a significant milestone. In this judgment, the Court employs all four analyzed formulas and it serves as the foundational decision for three of the formulas. Regarding whether the Court does or does not conduct an analysis of analogy between the factual scenarios of different judgments that employ the formula, following a typology designed by López Medina, it was found that in two of the four analyzed lines, the Court references its own judgments on dignityn and autonomy as citations of common concepts, without comparing the factual platforms when. resorting to the formulas. In one of the lines that links dignity, autonomy, and informed consent, the Court cites a previous judgment based on a strict analogy between the factual assumptions, while in the other line, there are cases of citations involving common concepts and strict analogy. Overall, citations are made with accuracy and fidelity, although some inconsistencies in the Court's manner of citing its own previous judgments are noted



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