How to Cite
García Muñoz, J. A., & García Giraldo, A. I. . (2022). War in Ukraine: Triumph of capitalism?. Novum Jus, 16(3), 43–74.
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For Vladimir Putin, what happened in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 is a special military operation supported by article 51 of the UN Charter. For 140 UN countries, Russia's aggression against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine was perpetrated on that date. In this paper it is argued that the war in Ukraine is a consequence of the failure of communism, which is the inherited inability of Russia to recover its lost influence with the fall of the Soviet Union; while the old European capitalism seduces the territories of the former Soviet orbit, until they become part of it. Given this panorama, Russia does not find an alternative other than warlike terrorism to try to recover the lost influence. The article analyzes the geostrategic reasons for the invasion of Ukraine, concluding that
the capitalist economy alone would have avoided the war due to the economic power that Russia acquired within European capitalism, thanks to the Nord Stream project by which it provided a basic resource to consumers of the old continent, which is the gas of which Russia is the world's
leading holder and producer.



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