How to Cite
Omelchuk, V., Kalinichenko, O. ., Naida, I. ., Romanov, M. ., & Havrylenko, T. . (2022). A Person, Their Security As A Value In The Spectrum Of Public `Power: Legal Problems Of Recognition Through A Civilizational Perspective. Novum Jus, 16(3), 107–132.
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The recognition of the human being, their life, health, honor, dignity, inviolability, and security, as the highest social value is a key principle of the Constitution of Ukraine and its implementation in the spectrum of public authority has been the subject of in-depth theoretical and legal analysis. The historical origins of the modern perception of human value, reaching the depths of the birth of the Christian faith, the revolutionary events in the European past, the world wars, and the adoption of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights are reflected in many states’ constitutions, including modern Ukraine’s. At the same time, certain problems are obvious, including differences in the perception of the content of human rights between Western and Eastern civilizations, Christian and Muslim beliefs, and the diverse constitutional declarations with their legislative implementation, as well as the separation of new human rights, problems that are increasingly attracting the attention of scholars and practitioners.



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