How to Cite
Voitsikhovskyi, A. ., Bakumov, O., Ustymenko, O., & Lohvynenko, Y. . (2022). The role of international organizations in the protection of human right in Ukraine. Novum Jus, 16(2), 305–340.
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State recognition of human rights and freedoms by enshrining them in the constitution and other legislative acts is the first and most urgent step towards their establishment and implementation. However, the role of the state should not be limited to this sole aspect. The state should make every effort to guarantee, protect, and defend both human and citizen rights and freedoms, which determines its main direction of humanization and humanitarian characteristics. Various international organizations, which constitute an international legal mechanism to protect human rights, play a significant role in the observance and protection of these rights and freedoms in Ukraine. The activity of these international organizations is primarily aimed at reforming the national system in this regard, rulemaking, and ensuring accountability, the rule of law, and dialogue between government and society. Consequently, these international organizations can be considered an additional guarantee for the observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms. This research aims to review the role and influence of international organizations such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European Union, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in the formation of the national mechanism to protect human rights and freedoms in Ukraine. For this purpose, international legal documents adopted within these organizations were analyzed to determine their specific features, role, and implementation in the country.



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