How to Cite
Huertas Díaz, O., Morales Chinome, I. R. ., Amaya-Sandoval, C., Cruz-Tibaduisa, P. A., & Arevalo-Fonseca, S. J. (2021). The criminal liability of industrials in the subsequent trials of Nuremberg and its lessons for the Colombian case. Novum Jus, 15(Especial), 43–77.
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The twelve Nuremberg trials established criminal liability against national socialists by the American National Military Tribunal. The trials were split according to occupation and rank within the Nazi government. In the Flick, I. G. Farben, and Krupp cases, important German industrialists were convicted for their involvement in the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Second World War. These processes revealed the relationship between the German industry and the Nazi regime. In addition, standards were established to investigate and prosecute this type of macrocrime and determine the criminal responsibility of business owners, in accordance with international criminal law. These criteria may be important to study cases such as the Colombian one, in which thousands of civilians who belonged to corporations and companies involved in the execution of such crimes during the armed conflict are being investigated.



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