How to Cite
Dash, L., Patnaik, S., Dash, S., & Biswal, S. (2021). Collaborative intelligence and intellectual property: humans and humanoids in the light of health care system. Novum Jus, 15(Especial), 103–126.
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Our intelligence is what makes us humans unique, and Artificial Intelligence is an extension of that quality that makes it humanoid. By 2029, an estimation of 95% of human interactions will be supported by Artificial Intelligence technologies. Humans have dynamic existence in the world, an
existence which excesses in knowledge, analysis, expression, ideas, and many more issues. With the rapid development of computer science and data technological dependence, it has been observed that Robots and Artificial Intelligence are making their way to fit into the human world as Humanoid Versions. Furthermore, they are even trying to support the present Health Care structure across the world and want to be present among the doctors, nurses, hospitals, and many other people, to solve and assist in the medical errands. Currently, the relationship between patients and health professionals is based on human interactions which form the natural foundation of health care. The field of healthcare is data-intensive, which leads it to perform complex tasks and compare and analyze huge volumes of data and try to classify them. This paper provides an immense dimension to Collaborative Intelligence, meaning the involvement of both human and artificial mankind in the health sector. So, when new inventions and discoveries are coming up, we know that Intellectual Property comes into the scene, as it protects and provides a vast number of monopolistic rights to the true owner or inventor. This paper makes a comprehensive analysis of human intelligence vs. artificial intelligence in the context of legality and acceptance from the lens of society. It also highlights
mapping Artificial Intelligence in the health care sector regarding an outlook of intellectual property.
In addition, this paper reflects an idea about technology transfer and a know-how move towards
AI-based medical machines and technologies from the Indian health care perspective. This paper concludes by mentioning the necessary improvements on AI or human assisting machines as well.



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